Celtic Christian Retreats

Celtic Christian Retreat in Argyll, Scotland - Roaming Scotland

Two ‘Fire in the North’ retreats to explore the Celtic expression of Christian faith are set in Argyll for:

6 - 8th September 2019 - only 3 places left

1 - 3rd November 2019 - 6 places remaining

There are two main aims for these retreats. Firstly, to provide a comprehensive introduction to this exciting movement of how the Isles of Great Britain became Christian. This is done out of doors as much as the weather will permit, visiting the sites that give background flavour to this historical period. Secondly, we aim to provide a ‘Retreat’, time away from the busy occupations of life, to reflect on our own spiritual journey with fresh perspectives.. Read more by clicking on the link at the top of this blog.

martin haworth