In pursuit of dreams, mindfully.
With relief, we put the worst of Covid behind us, hopefully, and look forward to embracing adventure again. Whether it is seeing far-off loved ones, or venturing to new horizons, may you take the peace of enforced stillness with you to savour the moments from which memories are made..
This boulder, up on the Cairngorm plateau,, reminds me of someone taking time out from reaching the summit to contemplate the cloudscape.
Two years of postponed trips, has crammed everything into a full year and consequently we’re fully booked! I’m very much looking forward to being on the trail with returning clients as well as getting to know new ones. It seems that I already know some new clients after communicating together for two to three years and very much looking forward to meeting them.
Wishing all who may read this, a time of unhindered exploration, and of pursuing your dream journeys more mindfully, savouring the experience and the people we are with.